life-support system

美 [laɪf səˈpɔːrt ˈsɪstəm]英 [laɪf səˈpɔːt ˈsɪstəm]
  • n.同 life-support machine

复数: life-support systems

life-support systemlife-support system

life-support system


  • 1
    N-COUNT 同life-support machine
    A life-support system is the same as a life-support machine .


medical equipment that assists or replaces important bodily functions and so enables a patient to live who otherwise might not survive
the patient is on life support
Synonym: life support
equipment that makes life possible in otherwise deadly environmental conditions
the astronauts relied on their life-support systems
Synonym: life support


  1. Since the crash he has been on a life-support system .


  2. " Climate change is beginning to damage our natural life-support system ," he says .


  3. Life-support system of manned space flight in foreign countries


  4. Ecosystem is the life-support system of human society , human often ignores the ecosystem services in the process of resource utilization .


  5. The designer says the module is also equipped with a regenerative life-support system , which can reproduce oxygen and CO2 .


  6. By sabotaging the computer of a life-support system , criminals could kill an individual as easily as they and used a gun .


  7. If confirmed , this would be Mr Kim 's first trip in four years to China , his country 's main trading partner and , in effect , its life-support system .


  8. Of course , some of it will be recycled into the suit ` s life-support system , so you ` ll breathe a lot of it back in .


  9. After all , Eustace needed a specially-designed spacesuit with a life-support system as well as a special parachute and helium balloon .


  10. Controlled Ecological Life-support System ( CELSS ) is one of the key technologies that must be solved before founding permanent base in space such as Lunar or Mars base .


  11. And we ultimately will be affected , because , as Sylvia Earle says , " The oceans are our life-support system . "


  12. Climate change and desertification has become one of the hot topics of the the natural sciences in the twenty-first century , and good environmental conditions for human development can provide a stable life-support system .


  13. Land use / land cover is material base of mankind 's survival and development , which not only provides material for the humanity , but also forms and maintains a global life-support system & ecological system .


  14. Moreover , it recognizes not only the external value of nature to human , but also the value of nature itself , i.e. , the value to persistently sustain life and life-support system on the Earth .


  15. The researchers " first hypothesis to explain this weird observation was that participants were seeing less mind in the vegetative than in the dead because they were focusing on the inert body of the individual hooked up to a life-support system .


  16. The services of ecological system and their natural capital stocks involved are critical to the function of the Earth 's ( life-support ) system .


  17. In order to meet the demands of various sea animals for water temperature and environment and the demands of visitors and operating staff for air temperature and humidity , applies life-support air conditioning system and life-support water system besides conventional ones .
